Rinki renews its communication channels

Rinki’s new website was launched in September. The website’s basic structure remains the same, but the level of services has been developed. The biggest changes relate to the map of eco take-back points. The map search on the website shows information about the points: their location, materials accepted and possible press machines, and many points also have information about their emptying and cleaning schedules. The feedback form on the website also makes it easy to give feedback on eco take-back points, add an image or suggest a completely new location for an eco take-back point. The website was initially published alongside the old one, which will soon be completely removed. We will continue to develop the website, and users can send feedback on the new and improved site by emailing Rinki at rinki.viestinta@rinkiin.fi.
Newsletter for corporate customers
Rinki has also updated its corporate customer communications. Corporate customers will be informed about producer responsibility issues by newsletter instead of email. Messages related to producer responsibility for companies will be marked INFO. The first newsletters were sent in early October, and they dealt with the 2021 recycling fees.
It is not possible to opt out of or unsubscribe from the INFO newsletter as receiving it is part of the producer responsibility scheme. If you’d like to change the recipient of the newsletter within your organisation, please contact our corporate customer service at info@rinkiin.fi, and we will update our customer register.