Rinki audits companies with producer responsibility – Fazer’s automated tool facilitates reporting and makes auditing more reliable

Rinki’s duties include collecting packaging data required by law from the companies that have joined the producer organisations. Rinki reports the data to producer organisations and submits the annual statistics to the Pirkanmaa ELY Centre. In addition to checking the details, the correctness of the packaging data is ensured by carrying out audits at companies.
“Audits give companies an opportunity to learn more about all things related to reporting and receive suggestions for improvement,” says Heidi Plattonen, Rinki’s specialist responsible for audits. You can read more about the principles and practices of Rinki audits in the previous online article.
SUP packaging in focus this year
In 2024, the audits have focused on SUP packaging, as this packaging type has been reported for the first time this year. As in previous years, the audits have also covered the declaration form for reporting packaging data.
“Companies have found it challenging to report SUP packaging. However, we have gone through the reporting of SUP packaging with companies in advance, so there have been no major deviations in the audits themselves,” says Plattonen.
It is worth being prepared for an audit
“The best way to prepare for audits is to report the packaging data by following Rinki’s instructions. I recommend that companies document their processes, as this makes it easier to review the data at the time of the audit,” Plattonen explains.
Companies are offered up-to-date information tailored to their specific needs during the audit. Plattonen gives a presentation at the audit, which explains any upcoming changes to legislation and how the company in question should prepare for them.
The aim of Rinki audits is to help companies take care of their producer responsibility as well as possible.
“So far, I have received nothing but positive feedback from the companies I have audited,” says Plattonen.
Fazer’s audit was supported by an automated reporting tool
Rinki carried out an audit in autumn 2024 at Fazer Lifestyle Foods, which is part of Fazer Group. Its range includes plant-based products such as oat drinks, smoothies, porridges and muesli. Piia Tiainen, Senior Manager of Packaging Development at Fazer Group and Fazer Lifestyle Foods, says that the audit ran smoothly.
“It was an interesting experience. It was nice to see what the audit involves in practice – reporting covers a wide range of issues,” says Tiainen.
Fazer is developing an automated reporting tool that speeds up the reporting of packaging data and helps the company to have a smooth audit.
“We were able to present the reporting tool that we are developing, which aims to reduce the work and time spent on reporting. We have saved the weights and specifications for each packaging material in the manufacturing execution system and classified the materials so that we can easily create basic reports for different business areas,” says Tiainen.
It is still rare for companies to have automated reporting tools, but they may help companies to meet the requirements of the new packaging regulations in the future.
Audits are an opportunity to ask questions and discuss any issues
Audits give companies an opportunity to discuss their concerns and to suggest improvements.
“We showed that we understand the complexity of reporting and were able to give feedback on areas in which the use of automated reporting is difficult, such as SUP packaging. SUP packaging is itemised at the product level, while basic reporting concerns materials. The same packaging may or may not be classified as a SUP product, depending on what is packed in it,” says Tiainen.
The audit also provided other tools for the future. Tiainen says that the audit clarified the reporting process in terms of issues such as responsibilities between partners.
Sustainability matters
Fazer’s development efforts are not limited to the reporting tool. Tiainen explains that Fazer has ambitious targets for improving the sustainability of its packaging in accordance with the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), for example.
With accurate packaging data, we will be able to make our packaging more sustainable: we can avoid overpackaging our products, use fewer multi-material structures and make logistics more efficient through optimisation. Our goal is to make our packaging 100% recyclable,” says Tiainen.