RINKI asks about reporting: How was the reporting of 2021 packaging data?
The 2021 packaging data reporting project is largely completed. This year, the reporting round went smoothtly, according to the RINKI corporate customer team.
“There were a lot of changes to the 2020 declaration form last year due to the legislative reform. The increase in reporting requirements was the biggest challenge to our customers and was reflected in the reporting of packaging data last year”, says specialist Harri Sihvonen.
This year, the declaration form remained the same as last year.
“It seems that companies have had more time to prepare for data collection than in the previous year and have been able to collect packaging data more comprehensively in accordance with the new requirements. As a result, reporting went more smoothly this year. This is great both for the customer companies and for us at RINKI”, states Sihvonen.
“Part of the reason for smoother reporting is most likely that this year companies have been receiving newsletter reminders from us about reporting, even to the point of annoyance. We also organised a training session on reporting in November and produced videos to assist reporting. Our aim is to make reporting as easy as possible and we will continue to try to find new ways to help companies with it”, affirms Sihvonen.
87 percent of declaration forms were returned on time
The declaration form for 2021 packaging data was opened in early January. In total, around 3200 declaration forms were returned. Overall, more than 4600 companies with producer responsibility are RINKI members. Groups and chain organisations can use one form to report data from several companies in the organisation.
Most of the forms were returned during the last two weeks of February. Overall, 87 percent of the forms were returned on time this year. Last year the figure was 81 percent.
The responsibility for reporting lies with the company that owns the product at the time of packaging.
In some cases, confusion has arisen over who is responsible for reporting a particular packaging. The responsibility for reporting lies with the company that owns the product at the time of packaging. This ambiguity has led to some duplication of reporting, which has had to be corrected retrospectively.
How much longer do we have to wait for the results of the reporting?
RINKI will report packaging data from its customers to the Pirkanmaa ELY Centre, the competent authority for producer responsibility, by the end of June. Before then, packaging data will be finalised with the last customers.
Sihvonen thanks all those who submitted their packaging data on time. This enables RINKI to compile and report statistics to the authorities in time.
The Pirkanmaa ELY Centre compiles and publishes the official recycling rates in Finland. In addition to the data provided by RINKI and the producer organisations, they also include, among other things, beverage packaging covered by the deposit system. RINKI aims to publish a review on the recycling of the 2021 non-deposit packaging in the autumn.
“2020 was an exceptional year due to Covid, which resulted in a significant increase in the amount of packaging placed on the market. Now it looks like the volumes in 2021 remained at pretty much the same level as the previous year”, Sihvonen estimates.