When reporting packaging volumes for 2020, companies will need to report all materials in packaging composed of multiple materials, such as composite packaging, separately.
Advance notice: Reporting of packaging data will change in 2021
The amendments to the Waste Directives adopted in the EU in 2018 and accompanying regulations will tighten the recycling targets for packaging waste and the calculation of the volumes recycled will be more detailed.
The regulations will also affect the way in which companies report their packaging data to Rinki every year. Member States will be required to submit their 2020 packaging data to the EU in accordance with the new rules in 2021.
Packaging data for 2019 will be submitted to Rinki in the old way by the end of February 2020. Companies will need to comply with the new reporting requirements at the beginning of 2021 when they submit their 2020 packaging data to Rinki.
How will the reporting change?
When reporting packaging volumes for 2020, companies will need to report all materials in packaging composed of multiple materials, such as composite packaging, separately. This requirement may be waived if the total proportion of an individual material does not exceed 5% of the total weight of the packing unit.
Composite packaging refers to packaging made from several materials which cannot be separated by hand, such as carton liquid packaging and various types of packaging made of laminate materials.
Under the current reporting practice, the total weight of such a packaging is reported according to which material weights the most. The practice will still be followed when submitting 2019 packaging data in early 2020.
“It’s useful for companies to be prepared for the new reporting practice now, as it will make reporting easier next year,” says Maija Peltola, Rinki’s Customer Service Manager.
Companies are advised to assess the structure of the packaging they use and the packaging of the products they import. It’s a good idea to find out what materials the packaging is made of and what proportion each material is of the total weight of the packaging.
Rinki will notify its customers of other changes to the 2020 packaging data reporting as soon as details become available.